Panther Rants is The Onion of Pitt Sports. Formerly a serious recruiting blog written by a serious recruiting writer, the site was taken over by mediocre bloggers that provide satire, sarcasm and anything but serious information. Everything on this site is tongue-in-cheek and is not meant for serious consumption.

Monday, April 30, 2007

And now, a message from Wlat

A lot of people, you know, have been wondering what I've been up to, you know, since Stanford told me that they no longer needed my services. Well, you know, I've been doing some things, and my wife's been doing some things, and together, you know, we've been doing some things.

For starters, I've been trying to beat lee_corsos_rental_car's speed record for, you know, putting together this puzzle of me.

Secondly, I went out and bought myself, you know, a recreational vehicle. Below is a picture of it. I can't think of anything that is, you know, more relaxing than cruising our country full of, you know, hot babes in style. This machine has everything you could need, including, you know, a flat screen television, a satellite dish and a KY dispenser.

Lastly, I've been working on a reality TV show based on my life. It'll be just like hindsight: 50-50. One part "Jackass" and another part that show on HBO about, you know, the Bunny Ranch. I think we'll call it "Wlathouse."

Well, you know, I'd love to sit here and chat, but the jacuzzi's on and the booster's are only out of town for so long. Ta-ta for now.

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